Rice - Ruby Interface for C++ ExtensionsΒΆ Introduction Version Differences 3.x vs 4.x and later Project Details Installation Why Rice? Common Problems Rice Solutions Tutorial Getting started Defining Classes Defining methods Defining methods with lambdas Defining functions Wrapping C++ Types Defining attributes Type conversions Conversions for wrapped C++ types Exceptions Bindings Constructors Functions and Methods Overloaded Methods Attributes Enums Constants Iterators Arrays and Buffers Class Templates C++ Operators Memory Management Exceptions Types Overview Type Conversions Type Verification Inheritance Callbacks Instance Registry STL Overview std::complex std::exception std::exception_ptr std::map std::optional std::pair std::reference_wrapper Smart Pointers std::string std::string_view std::type_index std::type_info std::unordered_map std::variant std::vector C++ API Ruby C++ API CMake FindRuby Compiler Settings Migration Version 4.* to 4.5 Version 3 to 4 #include <rice/rice.hpp> to_ruby / from_ruby Functions vs Methods Default Arguments Memory Management History Architecture Enumerators