Starting with version 4.5, Rice supports callbacks.
C Style Callbacks¶
C++ libraries sometimes implement C style callbacks, which are pointers to functions. Rice enables Ruby methods, lambdas and procs to serve as callback functions.
As an example, OpenCV defines a MouseCallback
typedef void (*MouseCallback)(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* userdata);
It then provides a function to register a callback:
void setMouseCallback(const String& winname, MouseCallback onMouse, void* userdata = 0);
Once clients register a callback, then it will be called whenever the user performs an action with the mouse.
To wrap this code in Rice, first expose the register function to Ruby:
// Create a new module
Module rb_mCv = define_module("Cv");
// Expose the register method
rb_mCv.define_module_function("set_mouse_callback", &cv::setMouseCallback,
Arg("winname"), Arg("on_mouse"), Arg("userdata") = static_cast<void *>(0));
Next, in Ruby, define a Proc to handle the callback and then call the register exposed register function:
# Create a Proc to handle the event
on_mouse_event = do |event, x, y, flags, user_data|
if event == Cv::MouseEventTypes::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN.to_i
# Do Stuff
# Register the proc
Cv::set_mouse_callback("Starry", on_mouse_event)
You can also use lambdas
in addition to Procs
User Data¶
Notice that the MouseCallback
callback defines a parameter called userdata
which has a type of void*
. This is a common pattern in C style callbacks and allows clients to pass information into the callback - it’s a way of handling state.
Rice enables Ruby code to pass Ruby objects from the client to the callback. To do this, you must tell Rice that it should not try to convert the Ruby object to C++ or from C++ to Ruby. This is done by using the setOpaque
Module rb_mCv = define_module("Cv");
rb_mCv.define_module_function("set_mouse_callback", &cv::setMouseCallback,
Arg("winname"), Arg("on_mouse"), Arg("userdata").setOpaque() = static_cast<void *>(0));
Notice the addition of Arg("userdata").setOpaque()
. Ruby code can now call the register function like this:
Cv::set_mouse_callback("Starry", on_mouse_event, self)
This allows the current Ruby object, self
, to pass a reference to itself to the callback method.
However, this only solves 1/2 the problem - passing a Ruby object unchanged to C++. When C++ later invokes the callback, Rice will try to translate it from C++ to Ruby. Of course, that does not make sense for the self reference, so we need to tell Rice not to do it. This is done by using the define_callback
define_callback<cv::MouseCallback>(Arg("event"), Arg("x"), Arg("y"), Arg("flags"), Arg("user_data").setOpaque());
Notice the fifth argument, which is specified as Arg("user_data").setOpaque()
. This tells Rice to not covert the parameter from C++ to Ruby.
Finally, let’s update the Ruby proc:
on_mouse_event = do |event, x, y, flags, self|
Associating Callbacks with Procs¶
Remember that C style callbacks are simply function pointers, they do not have a place to store any state. Thus when a C style callback is invoked, Rice needs to determine what Ruby Proc
to call. This is a tricky problem to solve.
Simple Callback¶
In the simplest case, a callback is only used once in a code base. Thus there is a one-to-one mapping between a callback and its associated Ruby Proc
This is easy to implement - Rice generates a new C++ class based on the callback’s signature using the NativeCallbackSimple class template. The generated class has a static member field that stores the Proc
. Thus every callback is associated with a single instantiation of the NativeCallbackSimple
LibFFI Callback¶
However, a library often times use a callback in multiple places. For example:
void setMouseClickCallback(MouseCallback_T onSingleClick, MouseCallback_T onDoubleClick);
void setMouseEnterExitCallback(MouseCallback_T onEnterExit);
The above code uses the same callback type 3 different times, thus the one-to-one mapping between callback type and C++ class is broken. Therefore the simple solution of using a static member variable to store the Ruby proc no longer works. Instead, we need to store 3 different Procs
and figure out which one to call when the callback is invoked.
In this case, Rice can use libffi’s closure API. The closure API associates a piece of user data, in this case the Proc
, with a callback and then dynamically generates a new function which is what is invoked by the callback function.
Since you are working with Ruby, it is highly likely that LibFFI is already installed since the Fiddle gem requires it.
However, you must opt into using libffi. To do this update your extconf.rb
file like this:
abort "libffi not found" unless have_libffi
If you are using CMake, you will need to add a C++ preprocessor define called HAVE_LIBFFI
and link to libffi.