BindingsΒΆ Constructors Example Default Constructor Custom Constructors Copy Constructors Move Constructors Functions and Methods Default Arguments Return Keyword Arguments Return Self Lambda Functions Overloaded Methods Getters and Setters Template Parameter Using Typedef Multiple Methods Method Resolution Attributes Enums Nested and Anonymous Enums Ruby API Constants Enums as Constants Iterators Enumerable Support (Internal Iterators) Enumerator Support (External Iterators) Arrays and Buffers Array of Objects Array of Pointers Class Templates Wrapping Class Templates C++ Operators Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operators Bitwise Operators Comparison (Relational) Operators Logical Operators Other Operators Conversion Operators Memory Management C++ to Ruby Ruby to C++ C++ Referencing Ruby Objects Exceptions Exceptions Translation Custom Handlers Handler Order Ruby Exceptions C++ Exceptions Types Overview Type Conversions Adding a Builtin Type Supporting Default Arguments Type Verification Inheritance Directors Callbacks C Style Callbacks Instance Registry Enabled Disabled Why is Tracking Disabled?